STRYPER's OZ FOX Suffers Massive Seizure, Prepares For Brain Surgery

October 23, 2020

STRYPER guitarist Oz Fox was rushed to hospital Thursday night (October 22) after suffering a massive seizure. He later posted a photo on social media of him lying on a hospital bed and giving a thumbs-up, with his wife, Annie Lobért, standing next to him.

"After having a major seizure tonight, I'm doing better," he wrote. "I appreciate your prayers."

Lobért shared a similar picture on her Twitter, writing in an accompanying message: "Tonight my heart almost stopped. The love of my life @SirOzFox had a massive seizure. It was one of THE most terrifying moments of my life with him. But all of you prayed!

"We will pull through no matter what hell is coming against us. You better believe it....we have JESUS!"

Fox is scheduled to undergo brain surgery next month to treat the tumors that were found in his head — one by his ear and the other in the back of his brain — when he suffered his first seizure in August 2018 while performing with SIN CITY SINNERS at Harrah's in Las Vegas.

A year after the tumors were discovered, both had grown and were posing a serious health risk to the guitarist, who turned 59 in June. Specifically, the tumor behind the ear, if it continues to grow, could cause hearing loss, balance, vision and spinal problems, while the tumor in the back of Oz's brain is in the area where left side of his arms, hands and body operate. Removing it could affect the upper left motor function and potential ability to recognize faces and objects.

Within weeks of Fox's original seizure, STRYPER toured Australia and Japan as a three-piece, and later recruited Howie Simon (JEFF SCOTT SOTO, GRAHAM BONNET) to fill in while Fox was unable to go on the road.

Formed 37 years ago, STRYPER is the first overtly Christian metal band to go mainstream. The group's name comes from Isaiah 53:5, which states: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."

STRYPER's albums include "To Hell With The Devil", "Second Coming", "No More Hell To Pay", "Fallen" and the band's latest effort, "Even The Devil Believes".

After having a major seizure tonight, I’m doing better. I appreciate your prayers. ????

Posted by Oz Fox on Thursday, October 22, 2020

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